Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Every Teardrop is a Waterfall EP – Coldplay

Rating 8/10

Okay, so this is labeled as an EP but its nothing more than a glorified single, featuring only three songs, so I think its best to do this on a track by track basis:

“Every Teardrop is a Waterfall” features thick fuzz like keys that are wrapped in a piercing fast paced lead guitar and finely juxtaposed to an acoustic rhythm. Chris Martin’s vocals provide a steady yet driving motion throughout the song with the expected emotionally engaging lyrics. As the first single off an upcoming album this track makes a great first impression into the direction of the next LP. The worst part about this song is its title.   8

“Major Minus” is more rhythmically based with the hook lying in an acoustic rhythm guitar with the vocals following its progression. The percussion incorporates what sounds like rim hits that give the track a nice texture. While the track is infectious it gives the impression of a b-side and seems like the results of lingering ideas and experimentations from the bands previous album Viva la Vida.                     7

“Moving to Mars” finds Coldplay in a classic territory as slow, delicately moving keys remind you of the Parachute days. This track weighs heavy on the heart strings if for nothing more than the seemingly nostalgic impression that it gives. Sweetly sung vocals in a dream like state make for a wonderful end to this little EP.           9

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